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use the roman numerals and My Account to navigate the carrd!

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| Olivia Hart |
British-Russian | Birmingham, England
21 April 2006 | Taurus | Bisexual | ISTP
Writer & Reader | NewJeans Stan

LIKES! mac and cheese, doodling, family, reading, fanfictions i like, graphic designing, pink and white, aesthetic things, history, makeup
DISLIKES! racism, war, plagiarism, some characters from books, know-it-alls, too neon or bright colours that blind you, users who demand comments follows and votes

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BYF! i can be really clueless at times and could end up hurting someone. So please don't take it that seriously when I say something offensive!
CREDITS! i got inspired by this carrd and followed maizecrds's tutorial, found here!
DNI! if you plagiarize, bully, stalk, trash talk my country's (Russia) people (excluding Putin), generally agree with Putin, fit the basic dni criteria, supports racial and/or lgbtq+ hate, solo stan, a troll or a heavy nsfw acc, toxic and problematic in general, below 13 or above 21, too creepy at a serial killer level!

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Hufflepuff | Legacy of Demeter, Iaso (CHB) | Daughter of Apollo (Camp Jupiter) | District 1 | House Allyrion (GoT and HotD)

FAMILY! my parents are Arsteysa and Nicholas hart. I'm the 4th child, two older brothers (Marcus and then Adrian) and an older sister (Estella), with two younger sister (twins Rosanna and Revanna). My oldest brother Marcus is married to a lady named Hazimat and their child is Farah